I freakin’ worship this cute little pinafore. I was in Thailand last year and found a shop that is basically the fat girl’s holy grail. It was a shop for plus-size women (beyond rare in South-East Asia), and it had an amazingly hilarious name that I can’t remember. Something like “Jumbo Designs”. Anyway, the clothes were REALLY expensive by Thai standards, but fairly cheap in western prices (average around $30 a dress). The woman who owned it was an absolute gem, and her elderly mum was so damn adorable and helpful (though couldn’t speak a word of English). I bought so many clothes I think I must’ve kept them in business for at least a year!

One of the best things about these clothes is the brand label – FIT FAT – and their sizes are in F’s (for, one can only assume, “fat”). F is the smallest, FF is the next biggest and so on. I LOVE it!

My aunty gave me these boots last year, and although they’re really comfortable, I sometimes get a bit self-conscious wearing them. They’re kind of stripper boots. But you know what? FUCK THAT NOISE. They look smokin’, and maybe I AM a stripper. What’s it to you?!

If anyone wants the details of the awesome fat shop in Bangkok, hit me up and i’ll dig out the directions from my travel journal! It’s easy to find 🙂