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    Alternative Curves Fatshion

    The Importance of Being a Neo-Victorian Raver Babe

    The Alternative Curves theme this month is Neo-Victorian, and boy do I love any excuse to slip into a steel-boned corset! Incidentally: so does Gomez. Chasing my laces is his favourite past time.

    I used to be fairly well into them, but this is the only one I still own. It also used to be too big, but one of the joys of accidentally getting a bit fatter is that now it fits! And man, if I do say so myself, my cans look ACE!

    This skirt I made a few years ago out of a thrifted doona cover, for a Fellini-themed party… guess which film I was out of? 😉

    I don’t really know what else to say about it all, except – after we do a spot of reading and take a turn around the garden, we will definitely be on our merry way to a warehouse rave. Objections? I thought not…



    HorrorKitschBitch_NeoVictorian05A HorrorKitschBitch_NeoVictorian04AYeah, I made it in a hurry and never went back to tidy it up >.<


    Big thanks to my love, Sam – for not only taking the photos, but for letting me have free reign on post-production. Not many photographers would allow that, and I am truly blessed to have an amazing pal that I can creatively collaborate regularly with!

    Check out all the other babes doing this month’s challenge, just below!

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    Alternative Curves #alternativecurves blog hop - who we are - fatshion rebels!