Hey y’all! SPLOOSH TUESDAY TIME! Issue 3, comin’ at ya live.
So you know how last week I was going on about The Militant Baker’s repsonse to that rubbish-y article that caused quite a stink? Well, if you did read it, you may have picked up on the mention of a thing called “Fattitude”.
What is Fattitude? It’s a body positive documentary that’s currently up for backing on Kickstarter, and it looks freakin’ AWESOME. Check it out:
Don’t you agree it looks rad? Yes? Well… you should back it! The goal is $38K, and at the time of writing they’re at $39K pledges. Talk about SPLOOSH!
So why should you still back it??
1. Don’t you want to be a part of something so radically awesome?
2. For only $25, you will get to own the film (digital download) when it’s finished. And let’s face it, it’s not exactly like you’re going to be able to pop down to your local Hoyts and see it.
3. Although $38/39K sounds like a lot of money, in the film/doco world, it’s actually nothing. The more money we can throw at this project, the better they can make it. And seriously – doesn’t this have a message that is WORTH spending money on? That is WORTH doing the very best that can possibly be done? Well, I think so! ^.^
Have I convinced you? Well, you can back it HERE!
Other news on the agenda *shuffles papers*
Ahem. Sorry.
Did you know there’s an awesomely hilarious website called ranga.net.au? Their home page says:
“You have found the Ranga Association. Or more accurately, The Red And Nearly Ginger Association which exists for all the red haired primates in the universe – from the bright orange to the tinge of ginge.
This site’s purpose is to further the cause of all individuals whose MC1R receptor is set in it’s default position, therefore producing pheomelanin rather than eumelanin.
We do this by providing research information, forums, and community events all designed to allow our Ginger brethren to be proud of their genetic heritage.
Rangas everywhere – unite and be proud!”
As if this wasn’t awesome enough, they actually hold charity events and raise money for… ORANGUTANS!
And you guys, look at that beautiful design! That typography is swoon-worthy.
Last but most certainly not least, my photographer discovery of the week is Polly Borland. I was browsing through her photos and I was all like “weird, uh huh, ok, cool” and then BAM! Somebody I noticed… Can you tell who it is?!
Or maybe you can?! If so = mad skillz.