Browsing Tag

lime crime


    One-Eyed, One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater!

    Well I saw the thing coming out of the sky
    It had one long horn and one big eye
    I commenced to shakin’ and I said oo-wee
    It looks like a purple people eater to me
    It was a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater
    Sure looks good to me

    This week’s Aussie Curves challenge was “song”. I struggled with this, because it’s so open to interpretation I couldn’t settle on one idea! But I was feeling purple, so I ate some people.
    Nom nom nom.

    kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow

    Tummy full of peoplez


    kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow

    Potential indigestion face


    kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow

    Dress: thrifted (Savers)
    Peplum thing (jacket? top? tacket? jopet?): City Chic
    Tights: City Chic

    kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow

    This babin’ necklace came from Thailand. 
    Sorry lovers!


    kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow

    These shoes are a non-brand, but they’re amazing because they’re plastic
    and function as gumboots!!!one!!eleveneleven
    Why yes! I have been wearing lots of lipstick lately! Thanks for noticing! Seriously, Lime Crime has changed my life. I am now a checkerboard lipstick chick!


    kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow

    But i’m still an uber-spaz at putting it on and keeping it off my teeth. Tips? Anyone?

    kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow

    ERMAGERD! Lickstick!
    Lime Crime / Poisonberry

    Also, I know it’s not Tuesday, but I splooshed uber hard today, and I had to share. Today, on Instagram, Tess Munster (one of my idols) LIKED one of my photos! Which is pretty fucking rad. But more awesome is WHICH photo she liked. I won’t keep you in suspense. It was dis one!

    kobi jae horror kitsch bitch fat fatty girl tattooed plus-size bbw zombie scooter club inked dimples dreads ootd blog blogger aussie australian ootd chubby dreadlocks melbourne coloured colored rainbow
    Yes, I do own Glitzy the Pig earrings. 
    Yes, Tess Munster got down on that.