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leopard print

    Fatshion Review

    Luscious Leopard and a Wooden Watch (feat. JORD)

    Hiya from Boston! I hope everyone is loving their respective shifts in temperature! I’ve been dying for it to hurry up and get proper cold, and it’s slowly getting there. I’m headed to New Orleans for Halloween tomorrow and I think it’s warm and humid there… i’ve been watching films like Waterboy to get myself even more excited for the bayou! * insert banjo music *

    So here’s a secret… I’ve been feeling a little bit decadent lately! As you know, I struggled to find clothes here in the USA for ages, and now that i’ve recovered from that situation – every outfit I wear seems to have a bunch of new pieces in it. I haven’t been posting a lot lately because i’m designing my new blog (eeeek so exciting) but I have been taking lots of photos, and man I feel like a spoilt brat.

    To top it all off, i’ve been gifted this really lovely watch from Jord Wood Watches and i’m just like ERMAGERD ALL THE PRETTY THINGS.

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