Hello lovely people! I’ve been absent. It’s been a thing. If we’re friends on Instagram, you will know that, basically, i’ve been on a weird rollercoaster ride of excitement and regret over having gotten rid of my dreads. When I was fresh from the hairdresser I was all like “YAY!” and then after the first wash I was all like “FARK WHAT DID I DO” and then i’ve been mildly cycling between the two ever since.
I know, i’m a vapid bitch.
So this has been contributing to my lack of posts, because i’ve just been feeling so unmotivated in the personal style department. I’ve missed a couple of weeks of Aussie Curves challenges, but I decided I NEEDED to get back on board this week. But – it was a tricky week to get back in on! Luckily, I remembered these photos from very recently – I was actually a quarter of the way through brushing my dreads out at this point (not that you can tell).
I was STUPENDOUSLY honoured and excited when the gorgeous Jacqueline of Fashion and Pho (HERE) asked me if i’d like to play dress ups in her very first shipment of plus sizes, from her indie label Pho Sizzle Threads (HERE)!! Lobster Tea Skirt & Bolero available hereThese gorgeous pieces are made from the funnest and most colourful fabrics of African Wax, which (I believe) are sourced mostly from Senegal. If you follow Fashion and Pho’s blog, you’ll also probably know that this is where her fiancé lives – *swoon*. This skirt I am ABSOLUTELY in LOVE WITH, which is kind of funny because I am a self-professed “don’t do pink” girl. The times, they are a changin’… It’s a pocket. A REAL pocket! I’m gonna leave y’all with THIS demented face photo. Because I can. Let that be a warning to ye! And if you want one of this babies, I suggest you get your hurry on because I know that there is very limited stock at this stage. 😀