Alternative Curves Fatshion

She’s Just a Devil Woman, With Evil On Her Mind

Kobi Jae of Horror Kitsch Bitch for the #alternativecurves theme

I wonder whatever happened to Cliff Richard? Oh that’s right – he now lives on a beach in Barbados. Never mind!

This month’s Alternative Curves theme is BLACK LIPSTICK! Since I regularly wear black lipstick (such as here and here and also here) this wasn’t much of a challenge for me, so I had the grand idea of making a cape and covering it in ginormous black lipstick kisses and being a super hero. But, the ultimate challenge in my life is actually time management, and what with current commitments of insane proportions, we’ll all have to make do with this little 50’s housewife meets voodoo queen ensemble.

Oh, and cocktails at The Luwow. Mmmmm tentacle finger puppet shenanigans….

Kobi Jae of Horror Kitsch Bitch for the #alternativecurves theme Kobi Jae of Horror Kitsch Bitch for the #alternativecurves theme

Kobi Jae of Horror Kitsch Bitch for the #alternativecurves theme

Kobi Jae of Horror Kitsch Bitch for the #alternativecurves theme

Kobi Jae of Horror Kitsch Bitch for the #alternativecurves theme
This lippy is the Lime Crime Black Velvet, but what with all the recent kerfuffles surrounding the company and Doe Deere, I don’t know what to think! Especially with the allegations that their products aren’t actually vegan (i’m not vegan but have a serious issue with lying to the consumer, especially about something as important as that). Anybody have any thoughts?

It’s so delightful to see a few more ladies back on board with the blog hop this month! Be sure to check them out below, and please JOIN IN if you have your own blog. Or if not, post your themed OOTD on Instagram and use #alternativecurves to connect with the community!



Alternative Curves #alternativecurves blog hop - who we are - fatshion rebels!

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